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About Us - Name Badge Specialists

 arrow For "People that Work with People"

There is nothing more personal than a namebadge. We know! Let your customers find a personal point of contact. Connect with them and build trust. Let customers know if they are speaking with a real person - whether you are a senior manager or a trainee.
While no name badge can make a wall-flower into a glad-handing politician, name badges do create a personal touch. Until now, only the largest of firms could afford to design and order branded, full color, personalized name badges. Our mission is to bring this same professionalism to everyone else.
We offer hundreds of different templates and backgrounds. Choose from our own pre-selected themes, or create your own. Custom name badges are a critical step in creating a welcoming environment.
Our technology is truly a generation-ahead. You can see your name badge proof online. Designs go directly from your desk to our digital printers. All of your orders are available online for easy edits or instant reorders. Then, when you supplement these advantages with our "fair deal" affordable pricing and industry-leading delivery, you can see why we have been so successful. Customers have ordered hundreds of thousands of badges from us and they come back year after year. Check out our reviews!
The connection with a customer starts with a namebadge. Even though our technology is state-of-the art, we know that a personal touch is never out-of-date. We understand that each project is unique and must be handled with great care. We encourage you to call us at any time.
— MyNameBadges Team
Full Color Print Name Badges
Name Badge Manufacturing
Full color namebadge
Name badge manufacture
Metal shear for brass and aluminum badges
Screen printing name badges
Cutting out badges
Engraving head